
Showing posts from January, 2022

top 3 shoe allen edmonds alternatives

Can I Wear Flip Flops With Plantar Fasciitis? Image source : Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that results from the plantar fascia, or band of tissue, on the bottom of your foot. It affects people who stand, walk and run for prolonged periods. This pain is often exacerbated by weight bearing during activity. A common treatment includes resting and elevating the feet while wearing supportive shoes. Flip-flops are often recommended as they are considered a good option for those with plantar fasciitis, due to their light weight and low-impact design. But are flip flops truly “good for your feet?” Image source : Image source : A person will most likely feel better in flip flops because they aren’t as constrictive or heavy as other options. But the big question is, will they exacerbate the condition and cause more pain over time? Plantar fasciitis is a pain that may be caused by many different things. The use of flip-flops may he